File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 abg-btf-reader.hThis file contains the declarations of the front-end to analyze the BTF information contained in an ELF file
 abg-comp-filter.hThis header declares filters for the diff trees resulting from comparing ABI Corpora
 abg-ctf-reader.hThis file contains the declarations of the entry points to de-serialize an instance of abigail::corpus from a file in elf format, containing CTF information
 abg-diff-utils.hThis file declares types and operations implementing the "O(ND) Difference Algorithm" (aka diff2) from Eugene W. Myers, to compute the difference between two sequences
 abg-dwarf-reader.hThis file contains the declarations of the entry points to de-serialize an instance of abigail::corpus from a file in elf format, containing dwarf information
 abg-elf-based-reader.hThis file contains the declarations for an elf-based. DWARF and CTF readers can inherit this one
 abg-elf-reader.hThis file contains the declarations for the fe_iface a.k.a "Front End Interface"
 abg-fe-iface.hThis file contains the declarations for the fe_iface a.k.a "Front End Interface"
 abg-ini.hThis file contains the declarations for the ini file reader used in the libabigail library
 abg-interned-str.hDeclaration of types pertaining to the interned string pool used throughout Libabigail, for performance reasons
 abg-ir.hTypes of the main internal representation of libabigail
 abg-reader.hThis file contains the declarations of the entry points to de-serialize an instance of abigail::translation_unit from an ABI Instrumentation file in libabigail native XML format
 abg-regex.hWrappers around regex types and functions
 abg-reporter.hThe declaration of the reporting types of libabigail's diff engine
 abg-sptr-utils.hUtilities to ease the wrapping of C types into std::shared_ptr
 abg-workers.hThis file declares an interface for the worker threads (or thread pool) design pattern. It aims at performing a set of tasks in parallel, using the multi-threading capabilities of the underlying processor(s)
 abg-writer.hThis file contains the declarations of the entry points to de-serialize an instance of abigail::translation_unit to an ABI Instrumentation file in libabigail native XML format
 abg-btf-reader.ccThis file contains the definitions of the front-end to analyze the BTF information contained in an ELF file
 abg-comp-filter.ccThis file contains definitions of diff objects filtering facilities
 abg-comparison-priv.hThe private data and functions of the abigail::ir::comparison types
 abg-comparison.ccThis contains the implementation of the comparison engine of libabigail
 abg-corpus-priv.hThe private data and functions of the abigail::ir::corpus type
 abg-ctf-reader.ccThis file contains the definitions of the entry points to de-serialize an instance of abigail::corpus from a file in ELF format, containing CTF information
 abg-default-reporter.ccThis is the implementation of the abigail::comparison::default_reporter type
 abg-diff-utils.ccThis file defines the declarations found in abg-diff-utils.h
 abg-dwarf-reader.ccThis file contains the definitions of the entry points to de-serialize an instance of abigail::corpus from a file in elf format, containing dwarf information
 abg-elf-based-reader.ccThis file contains the definitions of the entry points of the generic interface for ELF-based front-ends. The generic interface for ELF-based front-ends is named elf_based_reader. Examples of front-ends that implement that interface are abigail::dwarf_reader::reader and abigail::ctf_raeder::reader
 abg-elf-helpers.ccThis contains the definitions of the ELF utilities for the dwarf reader
 abg-elf-helpers.hThis contains a set of ELF utilities used by the dwarf reader
 abg-elf-reader.ccElf reader stuff
 abg-fe-iface.ccThis file contains the definitions of the the fe_iface base type
 abg-ini.ccThis file contains the definitions for the ini file reader used in the libabigail library
 abg-ir-priv.hThis contains the private implementation of the suppression engine of libabigail
 abg-ir.ccDefinitions for the Internal Representation artifacts of libabigail
 abg-leaf-reporter.ccThis is the implementation of the abigail::comparison::default_reporter type
 abg-reader.ccThis file contains the definitions of the entry points to de-serialize an instance of abigail::translation_unit from an ABI Instrumentation file in libabigail native XML format. This native XML format is named "ABIXML"
 abg-regex.ccSome specialization for shared pointer utility templates
 abg-suppression-priv.hThis contains the private implementation of the suppression engine of libabigail
 abg-suppression.ccThis contains the implementation of the suppression engine of libabigail
 abg-symtab-reader.ccThis contains the definition of the symtab reader
 abg-symtab-reader.hThis contains the declarations for the symtab reader
 abg-workers.ccThis file implements the worker threads (or thread pool) design pattern. It aims at performing a set of tasks in parallel, using the multi-threading capabilities of the underlying processor(s)
 abg-writer.ccThis file contains the definitions of the entry points to de-serialize an instance of abigail::translation_unit to an ABI Instrumentation file in libabigail native XML format. This native XML format is named "abixml"
 test-read-common.ccThis file implements the common functionality for the tests in CTF and DWARF readers, it does the abstraction in the `act` test stage
 test-read-common.hThis file declares the common functionality for tests in CTF and DWARF readers, it declares abstractions for `act` test stage