Package frysk.sys

This package exports interfaces to the underlying native linux system.


Interface Summary
Execute Interface for a simple execute method.
PollBuilder Notify client of Poll events.
SignalBuilder Notify client of Signal events.
WaitBuilder Let the Wait client build each wait-pid event.

Class Summary
Environ Interface to the process environment.
FileDescriptor Unix file descriptor.
Fork Create a child process (using fork) that immediately performs some sort of exec.
GarbageCollect Attempt to force a garbage collect.
Itimer Schedule an interval timer.
JUnitTests JUnit tests for directory.
Pid Get process information.
Pipe Open a Pipe.
PipePair An abstract class for creating a pair of pipes wired up to a child process, with OUT wired to the child's STDIN, and IN wired to the child's stdout.
Poll Poll like interface for waiting on kernel events.
Poll.Fds Manage the file descriptors watched by the poll call.
ProcessIdentifier Identifies a process.
ProcessIdentifierDecorator Identifies a process.
ProcessIdentifierFactory Generates ProcessIdentifiers (and ensures that they are unique).
PseudoTerminal Open a pty
Signal Host signal handling.
SignalSet A Signal Set, corresponds to sigset_t.
Size Container class for the size of a terminal window
Tid Get task (thread) information.
Uname Interface to uname system call.
UnhandledWaitBuilder Implementation of WaitBuilder that, passes any unhandled wait event onto the method unhandled().
Wait Wait for an event from either a process, task, or all processes and tasks.

Exception Summary
Errno Unix Host Errors.

Package frysk.sys Description

This package exports interfaces to the underlying native linux system.


The frysk.sys package provides the client with direct access to a number of underlying linux kernel and libc interfaces.

Note that, where possible, the interfaces have attempted to be event-driven friendly. For instance, Wait notifies the client of wait status information by calling the applicable frysk.sys.Wait#Observer method and not by returning a status object.


Should an underlying system call return an error indication then that error is propagated up the call chain by throwing a Errno run-time exception.