Class SourceWindow

  extended by org.gnu.glib.Struct
      extended by org.gnu.glib.GObject
          extended by org.gnu.gtk.GtkObject
              extended by org.gnu.gtk.Widget
                  extended by org.gnu.gtk.Container
                      extended by org.gnu.gtk.Bin
                          extended by org.gnu.gtk.Window
                              extended by frysk.gui.srcwin.SourceWindow

public class SourceWindow
extends org.gnu.gtk.Window

The SourceWindow displays the source or assembly level view of a Task's current state of execution. It has the ability to display code that has been inlined as well as optimized out by the compiler. It also provides an interface to allow to user to query for variable values, set traces on variables, and perform other such traditional debugging tasks.

Field Summary
static String CASE_FIND
static String CLOSE_FIND
static String FILE_SELECTOR
static String FIND_BOX
static String FIND_LABEL
static String FIND_TEXT
static String GLADE_FILE
static String HIGHLIGHT_FIND
static String LINE_ENTRY
static String LINE_LABEL
static String NEXT_FIND
static String PREV_FIND
static String PROC_LIST_GLADE
static String SOURCE_WINDOW
static String TEXT_WINDOW
static String VIEW_COMBO_BOX
Constructor Summary
SourceWindow( glade, DebugInfoFrame trace)
          Creates a new source window with the given properties.
SourceWindow( glade, DebugInfoFrame[] traces)
          Creates a new source window with the given properties.
SourceWindow( glade, Proc proc)
          Creates a new source window with the given properties.
SourceWindow( glade, Proc[] procs)
          Creates a new source window with the given properties.
SourceWindow( glade, Proc proc, frysk.gui.srcwin.SourceWindowFactory.AttachedObserver ao)
          Creates a new source window with the given properties.
Method Summary
 void activateProc()
          activateProc is called when the user has selected an executable from the FileChooserDialog.
 void addVariableTrace(String var)
          Adds the selected variable to the variable trace window
 void appendTask(Proc proc)
 DOMFrysk getDOM()
 frysk.gui.srcwin.SourceWindow.LockObserver getLockObserver()
 CurrentStackView getStackView()
 SteppingEngine getSteppingEngine()
 Proc getSwProc()
          Getters and Setters
 View getView()
 boolean isRunning()
 void populateStackBrowser(DebugInfoFrame[][] frames)
          Populates the stack browser window
 void removeDisplay(UpdatingDisplayValue disp)
          Removes the given display from the list of watched expressions
 void removeVariableTrace(String var)
          Removes the given variable from the list of watched variables.
 void setShowToolbar(boolean value)
          Toggles whether the toolbar is visible
 void updateThreads()
Methods inherited from class org.gnu.gtk.Window
addAccelGroup, deiconify, destroy, fullscreen, getAcceptFocus, getDefaultIconList, getFocusOnMap, getFocusWidget, getGravity, getIcon, getIconList, getIconName, getPosition, getScreen, getSize, getSkipPagerHint, getSkipTaskbarHint, getTitle, getTransientParent, getType, getWindow, hasToplevelFocus, iconify, isActive, isDestroyed, listToplevelWindows, maximize, move, present, removeAccelGroup, resize, setAcceptFocus, setAutoStartupNotification, setDecorated, setDefaultIcon, setDefaultIconFromFile, setDefaultIconList, setDefaultIconName, setDefaultSize, setDefaultWidget, setFocusOnMap, setFocusWidget, setGeometryHints, setGravity, setIcon, setIconFromFile, setIconList, setIconName, setKeepAbove, setKeepBelow, setModal, setPosition, setResizable, setScreen, setSkipPagerHint, setSkipTaskbarHint, setTitle, setTransientParent, stick, unfullscreen, unmaximize, unstick
Methods inherited from class org.gnu.gtk.Bin
Methods inherited from class org.gnu.gtk.Container
add, addListener, getBooleanChildProperty, getBorderWidth, getChildProperty, getChildren, getEventListenerClass, getEventType, getIntChildProperty, getResizeMode, remove, removeListener, resizeChildren, setBooleanChildProperty, setBorderWidth, setChildProperty, setIntChildProperty, setResizeMode
Methods inherited from class org.gnu.gtk.Widget
activate, addAccelerator, addEvents, addListener, addListener, addListener, addListener, addListener, addListener, addListener, addListener, addListener, addListener, addListener, canActivateAccel, createContext, createLayout, draw, drawArea, drawArea, finish, getAccessible, getAllocation, getCanFocus, getColormap, getContext, getData, getDisplay, getDragData, getExtensionEvents, getModifierStyle, getName, getParent, getParentWindow, getPointer, getRootWindow, getSensitive, getStyle, getToplevel, getWidget, getWindow, grabDefault, grabFocus, hasFocus, hasScreen, hide, hideAll, highlight, highlight, intersect, isAncestor, makeWidget, modifyStyle, popColormap, pushColormap, realize, removeAccelerator, removeListener, removeListener, removeListener, removeListener, removeListener, removeListener, removeListener, removeListener, removeListener, removeListener, removeListener, reparent, setBackgroundColor, setBaseColor, setCanFocus, setColormap, setDoubleBuffered, setDragDestination, setDragIcon, setDragIconPixbuf, setDragIconStock, setDragSource, setEvents, setExtensionEvents, setFont, setForegroundColor, setMinimumSize, setName, setNoDragDestination, setNoDragSource, setSensitive, setTextColor, shapeCombineMask, show, showAll, unHighlight, unHighlight
Methods inherited from class org.gnu.gtk.GtkObject
Methods inherited from class org.gnu.glib.GObject
addEventHandler, addEventHandler, addEventHandler, addEventHandler, addEventHandler, addEventHandler, addEventHandler, addListener, collect, freezeNotify, getBooleanProperty, getData, getDoubleProperty, getFloatProperty, getGObjectFromHandle, getIntProperty, getJavaObjectProperty, getLongProperty, getPixbufProperty, getProperty, getStringProperty, hasProperty, notify, removeEventHandler, removeListener, setBooleanProperty, setData, setDoubleProperty, setFloatProperty, setIntProperty, setJavaObjectProperty, setLongProperty, setPixbufProperty, setProperty, setStringProperty, thawNotify
Methods inherited from class org.gnu.glib.Struct
equals, getHandle, getNullHandle, hashCode
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String LINE_ENTRY
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String FIND_TEXT
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String FIND_BOX
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String FIND_LABEL
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String LINE_LABEL
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String NEXT_FIND
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String PREV_FIND
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String HIGHLIGHT_FIND
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String CASE_FIND
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String CLOSE_FIND
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String GLADE_TOOLBAR_NAME
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String FILE_SELECTOR
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String VIEW_COMBO_BOX
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String TEXT_WINDOW
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String SOURCE_WINDOW
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String GLADE_FILE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String FILECHOOSER_GLADE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String PROC_LIST_GLADE
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public SourceWindow( glade,
                    Proc proc)
Creates a new source window with the given properties. This constructor should not be called explicitly, SourceWindow objects should be created through the SourceWindowFactory class.

glade - The LibGlade object that contains the window for this instance
proc - The Proc to have this SourceWindow observe


public SourceWindow( glade,
                    Proc[] procs)
Creates a new source window with the given properties. This constructor should not be called explicitly, SourceWindow objects should be created through the SourceWindowFactory class.

glade - The LibGlade object that contains the window for this instance
procs - The array of Procs to have this new SourceWindow observes


public SourceWindow( glade,
                    DebugInfoFrame trace)
Creates a new source window with the given properties. This constructor builds a SourceWindow based off of a stack trace, and thus has no usable or running process. This constructor should not be called explicitly, SourceWindow objects should be created through the SourceWindowFactory class.

glade - The LibGlade object that contains the window for this instance
trace - The stack frame that represents the current state of execution


public SourceWindow( glade,
                    DebugInfoFrame[] traces)
Creates a new source window with the given properties. This constructor builds a SourceWindow based off of a stack trace, and thus has no usable or running process. This constructor should not be called explicitly, SourceWindow objects should be created through the SourceWindowFactory class.

glade - The LibGlade object that contains the window for this instance
traces - The stack frames that represents the current state of execution


public SourceWindow( glade,
                    Proc proc,
                    frysk.gui.srcwin.SourceWindowFactory.AttachedObserver ao)
Creates a new source window with the given properties. This constructor should not be called explicitly, SourceWindow objects should be created through the SourceWindowFactory class.

glade - The LibGlade object that contains the window for this instance
proc - The Proc to have this SourceWindow observe
ao - The AttachedObserver currently blocking the given Proc
Method Detail


public void populateStackBrowser(DebugInfoFrame[][] frames)
Populates the stack browser window

frames - An array of DebugInfoFrames used to popuate information inside the stack frame window.


public void addVariableTrace(String var)
Adds the selected variable to the variable trace window

var - The variable to trace


public void removeVariableTrace(String var)
Removes the given variable from the list of watched variables. The variable is assumed to come from the current context.

var - The value to remove


public void removeDisplay(UpdatingDisplayValue disp)
Removes the given display from the list of watched expressions

disp - The display to remove


public void updateThreads()


public void appendTask(Proc proc)


public Proc getSwProc()
Getters and Setters


public DOMFrysk getDOM()


public View getView()


public CurrentStackView getStackView()


public boolean isRunning()


public frysk.gui.srcwin.SourceWindow.LockObserver getLockObserver()


public SteppingEngine getSteppingEngine()


public void activateProc()
activateProc is called when the user has selected an executable from the FileChooserDialog. It checks to see if a gnome terminal is to be activated if so the selected process' STDIN/STDOUT/STDERR will be assigned to it.


public void setShowToolbar(boolean value)
Toggles whether the toolbar is visible

value - Whether or not to show the toolbar