Linux Cluster Summit 2005

This is a technical workshop that will take place on June 20 and 21st in Walldorf Germany, near Heidelberg and south of Frankfurt.   The goal is to either validate, reject, modify, or combine the cluster infrastructure kernel interfaces that Red Hat has proposed, and that other groups may propose over the next few weeks.

Unfortunately, space is limited. We can accommodate about 100 attendees. Registration is by invitation for 70 participants, including those who attended last year, and 30 seats are available on a first come, first served basis. There is no charge for this workshop.  You will only be need to arrange travel and accommodation.  A list of recommended hotels and other accommodation will be posted here.

We hope to provide a voip meeting room for overseas remote attendees, and conference call dialins for key sessions.

There will be a social/technical program on the day following the workshop, in other words, sightseeing.  Linuxtag overlaps the Cluster Summit by one day at a nearby location, so combining these is entirely feasible.  The first day of Linuxtag is just tutorials; the free presentation program comes later in the week.  Do not worry about knowing German: English fluency is the rule, and much of the conference is conducted in English.

Further updates will be posted on these pages.

Information for attendees


Patrick Caulfield's cman/dlm update: pjc2005.sxi

Contact Information

Inquiries and Registration:

Daniel Phillips <>